Narrative Essay Topics

Our 29 Narrative Essay Topics to Try

Narrative essays are told from the writer’s point of view hence the tone is similar to that of a story. This type of essay is also very easy to write, since you will be describing an event or an incident in a narrative manner.  Most often, narrative essays are written in first person by using “I”. However you can also use third person narrative such as “She”, “he” or “it”.

Since the essay is almost like a story, the traditional elements of an essay such as the introduction, body and conclusion will not work. Instead, you have to employ conventional story telling methods by giving an – Introduction of Characters, Plot, Setting, Climax and an ending.

For example, here is an excerpt from Gerald Durrell’s, My Family and Other Animals

Considered as a group my family was not a very prepossessing sight that afternoon, for the weather had brought with it the usual selection of ills to which we were prone. For me, lying on the floor, labelling my collection of shells, it had brought catarrh, pouring it into my skull like cement, so that I was forced to breath stertorously through open mouth. For my brother Leslie, hunched dark and glowering by the fire, it had inflamed the convolutions of his ears so that they bled delicately but persistently. To my sister Margo it had delivered a fresh dappling of acne spots to a face that was already blotched like a red veil. For my mother there was a rich, bubbling cold, and a twinge of rheumatism to season it. Only my eldest brother, Larry, was untouched, but it was sufficient that he was irritated by our failings.

Narrative Essay Topics:

  1. Write about your experiences at a close relative’s wedding
  2. Write about the day when you started believing in the might powers of God
  3. Write about the first family holiday you undertook with your pet
  4. Write about the most embarrassing experience that you have ever had
  5. What happened on the most awful day of your life?
  6. What was the saddest day of your life?
  7. Write about your first encounter with death?
  8. Given a chance, where would you like to go on a holiday?
  9. What was the event that changed your life?
  10. How did you survive after a devastating hurricane or tornado?
  11. What are the ten things that you wish you could undo?
  12. How did you woo your first girlfriend?
  13. How did you survive your first break-up?
  14. Describe the first sleep over that you had in your friend’s house?
  15. Describe the first trip that you took with your friends?
  16. Write about the first time you had a drink with your friends?
  17. Write about your first experience of sneaking out of the house at the dead of the night?
  18. Write about how you organized your first surprise birthday party for your mother or father?
  19. Write about the most hilarious event that happened in your life?
  20. Write about your first experience in the kitchen?
  21. Write about your experience at your first job?
  22. Write about your first babysitting job?
  23. How you got ready for your first date?
  24. How was your first experience at the school prom party?
  25. How you dealt with the death of your favorite uncle or aunt or grandparent?
  26. How was your first trip to Disneyland?
  27. Describe your first serious fight with your best friend and what happened after that?
  28. Describe the earliest memories of your childhood.
  29. What would be the best decision that you have made in your entire life?